International Women's Day: Hollie Woodhart

This International Women’s Day we’re celebrating the many women who volunteer to serve our community.

2nd Lieutenant and Brigade Training Officer Hollie Woodhart joined the CFA with her mum, and our Brigade Secretary, Karen Woodhart. For Hollie, being a Lieutenant means she can help make sure the Brigade is running smoothly. She is the third female Lieutenant ever to serve Portarlington CFA Brigade.

As 2nd Lieutenant and Training Officer, Hollie is one of the first people new recruits start working with as they learn the skills of a volunteer firefighter. “I love seeing them progress,” she says, “from not knowing anything to turning out to their first fire call. It can be challenging at times, but it feels amazing when you can see them finally getting skills down pat.”

According to Hollie, one of the most important skills that new volunteer firefighters learn is how to remain calm under pressure, and how to think outside the box. “The situation can change quickly on the fireground” she says, “and its important that we can adapt and stay calm.”

Through Hollie’s own skill, leadership and hard work, our new and established volunteers continuously grow their confidence and capabilities, enabling our whole Brigade to better serve our community and keep each other, and Portarlington, safe.

In addition to supporting our members, of the things Hollie enjoys most about the Brigade is our team. “We have such a diverse group at Portarlington” she says, “which I think proves it doesn’t matter what your background is, anyone can join!”

The Portarlington Brigade is proud of the many women on our team in both operational and non-operational roles, among our new recruits and, like Hollie and her mum, in our leadership team.

Heidi Fin